Please note that all events are in Eastern time.
Week of Events
Sunday InSpire online
Sunday InSpire online
Join us for Inspire Sunday brunch online where we share our experiences & practice mindfulness in a welcoming & supportive environment.
Roanoke InSpire
InSpired Recovery Pulaski
InSpired Recovery Pulaski
No matter where you are in your recovery journey, InSpired Recovery provides an opportunity to approach it contemplatively.
Abingdon InSpire
Utilizing our practice to support us in meeting the environmental crises of our time with the intention to heal & transform through doing so.
InSpired Elders NRV
Tuesday InSpire online
Tuesday InSpire online
A supportive space to cultivate presence, reduce stress, and deepen self-awareness through guided practice and shared experiences.
Pulaski InSpire hybrid gathering
Pulaski InSpire hybrid gathering
Connect with others in a safe, welcoming space in the heart of Pulaski to enjoy good company, deep conversation, and mindfulness practices.
Grandin InSpire
Grandin InSpire
A supportive space to cultivate presence, reduce stress, and deepen self-awareness through guided practice and shared experiences.
Thursday InSpire online
Thursday InSpire online
A contemplative tea party, starting with tea and a reading, meandering into mindful conversation, and ending with Thursday's Daily Meditation