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You may think yourself lazy, or flawed. Yet your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars. Your bone composition matches the coral in the seas and you, my friend, are ruled by the moon and the sun. Whether you like it or not. So no, you are not lazy, Nature is simply pulling you to slow, like the life, the floral and fauna around you. It is not your moment to rise. It is winter, you are wintering. And you are right on time.

Donna Ashworth

The end of October and beginning of November is a significant time in many calendars: Halloween, Samhain, Diwali, All Soul’s Day, Dia de los Muertos are just some of the occasions that celebrate the liminal space between the end of harvest season and the beginning of winter.

Honor the dark half of the year in this daylong retreat as we go within to rest and reflect on the year. Explore what you have harvested, what needs to be composted, and what you would like to bring into the winter den to sustain you as you incubate the seeds of the year ahead.

Within the warm walls of Shanti and outside into the natural beauty of Deer Park Farm, retreat leaders Jennifer Speiden and Jamie Reygle will share practices designed to sustain the body, heart, and mind through winter’s cold, dark months. These will include:

  • Mindful movement
  • Guided practices
  • A mindful walk
  • Contemplative art
  • Self-massage
  • Yoga Nidra
Registrations have closed for this event

Retreat leaders

For questions, call 540-227-6377 or email