Andrew Morikawa
Andrew J. Morikawa served as executive director of the Community Foundation of the New River Valley (CFNRV), from 1997-2010, leaving a legacy of community-based philanthropy. He has served as a founding board member for a number of community-based nonprofits including the New Mountain Climbers Giving Circle, Free Clinic of the New River Valley, and New River Valley Habitat for Humanity. He served as CEO of New River Community Action (1981-1988) and World SHARE (1988-1996). Andy currently is Senior Fellow at the Virginia Tech School of Public and International Affairs’ Institute for Policy and Governance, where he produces the Community Voices program and the Trustees Without Borders podcast. He is a founder and steering group member of the Dialogue on Race, a community-based initiative working to end racial injustice in Virginia’s Montgomery County. He is Past Chair of the Board for Community Housing Partners and board member for Via International, SustainFloyd Foundation, and The Community Group (the African American civic organization that runs the Dialogue on Race). He does consulting work specializing in nonprofit governance and board development.