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Sacred Solstice Sahyinidra Gathering
December 21, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
| Free. Donations gratefully acceptedJohnny’s Sahyinidra Yoga centers on the deeptime-to-present parallels, patterns and pathways linking the human condition with the ecological integrity of land—with the soils, waters, plants, animals and other life forms whose consciousness we depend upon and share. He teaches Earth-Centered Yoga with Guided Imagery Meditations, leading folks through the cycles, connections and currents of sacred landscapes.
Johnny invites you to come gather to honor, feast and celebrate the Winter Solstice through a guided Sahyinidra EcoJourney flowing through the Biosphere in which we all belong and depend upon, while honoring the age-old Sacred Sun through seasonal symbolism and ritual.
We’ll begin inside Shanti, warmed by the wood stove, then circle afterward around the firepit by the creek.
We will finish with potluck. We invite you to consider the origins of the food or drink you bring — the place where it grew, or was fermented, distilled or gleaned, and where the water within it bubbled up out of or rained down upon Mama Earth. Consider bringing some type of bean (any legume), grass-based food (corn, rice or any cereal grain), food of different colors, or food from different parts of plants — roots and fruits and flowers and nuts and shoots. Please label any dish containing potential allergens to protect others.
Bring warm, snug clothes that can be shed to fit conditions inside and out, including something waterproof to lay on, and a mat, cushion and blanket and whatever else might bring comfort.
This event is freely offered, and we welcome donations of any amount.